Is Social Media Invading our Privacy?


ImageSo Now we can see who is on at all times of the day and Facebook just took it one step further we can see what kind of device Facebookers are using…

How do you feel about everyone else seeing what device your using wether you are on Facebook or not, whether you are on your computer or on mobile?

I personally think its a little too much why do we need to know this information about our friends, can we just go back to the good old days of using the phone and calling someone and if they aren’t home leave them a message? 

Thats my rant for the day … what do you think do you even care if people know what you are doing on Facebook?

Celebrities & Social Media


Is the person behind the text real ? How do we know? I follow Oprah on twitter and even though it is a verified account, I still don’t know if I can believe it. She posts multiple times in a day and I just can’t imagine that someone like Oprah has that much time to spend on Twitter.

Even though I am skeptical about the validity of these accounts I still enjoy following them, they are still in line with what I think the owner of the account would say.

So what do you think are these accounts real?

Do you have any favourite celebrities to follow?

Ways to Improve Tumblr


I found this interesting article on Mashable and I thought it had a lot of truths to it.

I have to admit I originally started this blog on Tumblr, because it had the name, I’d heard of Tumblr before, I had never really heard of WordPress. But shortly after I started writing I became dissatisfied with this blog platform, So I went to the task of bringing my blog over to word press (not what I wanted to do but, I think I had too)

– One of the major things I found that I didn’t like about Tumblr was how hard it was to interact with people, I found that the comment feature kept disappearing so no one could comment Acch! Once I found a little click box to enable comments on one of my posts but never again, you would think that a platform based on conversation would make it easy for users to chat. 

I also didn’t like the dashboard on Tumblr it seemed very clunky and not visually appealing I found it very difficult to navigate. But why? Should Tumblr be making this platform easy to use, thats what I thought. 

Thats just some thoughts about Tumblr from my mind. What do you think about Tumblr, WordPress or any other blog platform?


Strand Book Store


I stumbled upon this brand that has an awesome social media presence and I thought I could showcase it here.

Have you ever hear of Strand Book Store, well neither have I (but thats because they are aren’t local here)

There are a number of reasons why I think they do well in their social media:

1. Consistency – each of their platforms support each other, providing the same type of experience on each platform

2. They don’t post too much, nothing bugs me more than companies who clog up my news feed

3. Their Twitter page has a good combo of retweets showing they are interested in what others have to say & they have their own content as well

4. Their Facebook page has focuses more on providing info than pushing their products. It also has quite a number of calls to action to encourage engagement and to get their Facebook followers to converse

This is one of my favourite examples of good social media presence.

Do you have any examples of either awesome social media or social media fails?

Old page in an Internet Age


Old page in an Internet Age

Take a look at this website, they haven’t embraced the internet like so many other retailers. You go to the website and they almost make fun of you for thinking you could be able to shop online. I think that hurts more than it helps. Next they don’t have a link to the Facebook page which I think does an excellent job of informing you of their products. So why don’t they align their website along with it? Do you think they could create a better website? Do you think their current one does enough? What could they do better?

Monopoly @ McDonalds

McDonalds Monopoly

So McDonalds, you have a yearly contest, with the opportunity for great prizes and all I have to do is eat at McDonalds you say?

I’m In!

But wait, I can only have certain sandwiches, and I have to upsize my fries too If I want more chances to win…well that’s a catch…but you still got me.

Every year McDonalds does their Monopoly contest and by collecting game pieces to create a monopoly you could win cool prizes. This contest is ingenious to boost sales, it always made me upsize and definitely got me playing even though I have never gotten a monopoly myself.

But I think there is one small flaw with it…their lack of social media presence and awareness about it…I think they could do so much more. If you look back on the Facebook feed there is barely anything there about it at all. I think that they could do stories about winners or create game pieces that could go on your wall. 

What do you guys think?

Home Hardware Fall Market


I had the pleasure of visiting Home Hardware’s annual fall market this past month. It was interesting to see how even in this age of ever present social media, marketing & sales can still be done in a conventional way having thousands of vendors show up in the same place to sell their products to dealers of Home Hardware stores.

Being at the fall market got me thinking how does Home Hardware leverage social media. Since Home Hardware is not a set of franchises each store can have its own social media presence.

Home Hardware has a sporadic presence on social media and there is much to be desired … what do you think can be done to improve…


Social Media — Is it too much information?


In the new age of social media is there too much information sharing or is it just enough…

In the morning you wake up, and sometimes even before you get out of bed you check your Facebook, your twitter etc. and how long does that take …I know for me this morning it was at least ten minutes.

Do I really need to know everything all my friends are doing…maybe I do it is interesting to see what people from high school are doing that I wouldn’t have stay connected with.

It also gives me the opportunity to reconnect with people that I wouldn’t have stay connected with.

But is it all too much?

Social Media – Way of the Future


So in the past few years I’ve noticed the usage of social media increase like crazy. Soon social media will replace a whole plethora of communications. Every time we start a group project for a class we share our Facebook name not our emails more often then not. Then we start a Facebook group just for the project. I’ve found that people of our generation check Facebook more than we check our email.

I’ve also found that since we all feel connected sometimes we don’t even bother taking pictures of some event because we assume someone else will post them.

Social Media — way of the future — way of the marketer

An overnight fire destroys St.Jacobs Farmers’ Market Building


I’ve found in the last few weeks since this tragic event how massive the impact of social media can be. Despite the the fire happening in the wee hours of the night within minutes pictures could be found on Facebook and Instagram. Within hours support groups were formed on Facebook. And looking at your news feed on Facebook mere hours after such an event takes place and your news feed is taken over.  You could see within days the number of followers on both Facebook and Twitter rose exponentially. More people turned to social media then the news to find out breaking news, your Facebook page may show more up to the minute facts then the local news. You can see that the market has been using Facebook and twitter to keep their customers up to date after this event. Is social media the new form for news? Will it replace the news? Only time will tell…